Malawi 2023

Our mission trip had been postponed from 2020 because of Covid. During our planning for this visit, Cyclone Freddy struck southern Malawi and in particular Chipagala, Chuluchosema, Mulanje and Blantyre. The area was devastated, as you will see from some of the photographs below. They lost 50+ houses and half of the land we gave to the women was destroyed. It was so bad that we wondered whether it was right to go when they were still recovering from the cyclone. We had been able to send emergency grants from both the National Women’s Missionary Society and the Women’s Inter Church Council of Canada. These grants helped with immediate food and other essential supplies and we were able to help them start to rebuild their lives with the money taken with us from the Malawi Mission Fund in our Church.

Spencer Suliani, Session Clerk, Mount Moriah Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, and the Rev Gawanni assured me that it would be good to have us come to Chipagala and support the families affected by the cyclone. Our partnership has now entered its 14th year and it feels like we are visiting family and good friends. We were welcomed warmly and worked together on projects the different groups asked us to participate in.

Timvane Children’s Centre has 82 children between the ages of 3 and 5. It was a joy to spend time with them and teach them songs and work on crafts. The children enjoy and need their daily porridge which New St. James supplies. The money we send quarterly buys the supplies to make the porridge. Without this meal many children would go hungry.

Mount Moriah School is expanding and now has 270 students. They were thrilled to work at desks which we were able to have made and delivered during our trip. Can you imagine the difference between sitting on the floor and sitting at a desk? We also bought teacher guides and student books. The teachers were overwhelmed by the support given to them.

Mount Moriah Church was a joy to worship in. Yes, the services were three hours long but were filled with song and dance. There were 200 children in attendance for the children’s address!! We presented a drama each Sunday and it was translated for the girls and boys. The session welcomed us in the session room at 7 am each Sunday and the ladies prepared lunch for us after the service.

Thank you for your support. You have made a significant difference in the lives of the villagers in Chipagala.
Cathy Reid

Questions? More Information? Contact Cathy Reid
Timvane Community Centre
Mount Moria School
Eye Assessments
Blessings Group
Mvano Guild