Mission and Social Action

The mandate of the Mission & Social Action Committee is to assist, if possible, in any worthwhile projects that could be deemed to be “Mission Oriented”, either locally, nationally, or globally. These projects include refugee assistance, the May Court Club’s school nutrition program, St. Paul’s Social Services program with food donations, the Salvation Army Christmas toy drive, Knox Teeswater Cropshare Program, mission trips to Malawi, Central Africa, and PWS&D (Presbyterian World Service & Development) for disaster relief. Other requests for assistance are handled on an ad hoc basis. Each year, the Mission and Social Action Committee oversees NSJ’s Lenten Project called “Back to Basics” when we collect new socks and underwear for children, women and men, and feminine hygiene products. The donations are distributed to various agencies in the city, including Ark Aid, My Sister’s Place, Quintin Warner House, and Rotholme Family Shelter. Contact person: Lyn Hill @ lhill@newstjames.ca